Class CustomTabBaseAbstract

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activateDefaultSheetListeners?: boolean

An optional override to whether the target tab should use default sheet event listeners. Defaults to false.

Tidy is moving to Application V2, and there will no longer be any default sheet listeners. Be sure to provide your own event handling for the content that is injected.

enabled?: ((context: any) => boolean)

Optional function to determine whether the tab should be visible when viewing the sheet. When excluded, it defaults to true.

onRender?: ((params: OnRenderTabParams) => void)

Optional function which is called each time a change detection cycle occurs on the sheet. This is any time a FormApplication would normally call render().

renderScheme?: RenderScheme

Optionally determines whether to refresh content each time an application render occurs.

For svelte-based content, the default is "force". For HTML and Handlebars content, the default is "handlebars".

tabContentsClasses?: string[]

An optional array of CSS classes to apply to the tab contents container.

tabId: string

The required static ID associated with a tab.

A tabId is a unique string of text that identifies your tab. It needs to be in a format that can be put into an HTML attribute. The tab ID is always required to register a tab.

A tabId must be unique to the target sheet. For example, the character sheet can only have one "my-module-id-my-spellbook-tab" ID, and the NPC sheet can also only have one "my-module-id-my-spellbook-tab" ID, etc.

Advice for crafting a unique tab ID:

  • for modules, use your module ID as a prefix (e.g., "my-module-id")
    • for world scripts, use your game world name (e.g., "my-game-world")
  • add a hyphenated version of the tab title (e.g., for a tab titled "My Spellbook Tab", use "my-spellbook-tab")
  • join these two pieces together with a hyphen:

The title to display on the tab. Accepts localization keys and plain text.