Type Alias TabId

TabId: string

The required static ID associated with a tab.

A tabId is a unique string of text that identifies your tab. It needs to be in a format that can be put into an HTML attribute. The tab ID is always required to register a tab.

A tabId must be unique to the target sheet. For example, the character sheet can only have one "my-module-id-my-spellbook-tab" ID, and the NPC sheet can also only have one "my-module-id-my-spellbook-tab" ID, etc.

Advice for crafting a unique tab ID:

  • for modules, use your module ID as a prefix (e.g., "my-module-id")
    • for world scripts, use your game world name (e.g., "my-game-world")
  • add a hyphenated version of the tab title (e.g., for a tab titled "My Spellbook Tab", use "my-spellbook-tab")
  • join these two pieces together with a hyphen: