Interface CustomActorTrait

interface CustomActorTrait {
    alwaysShow?: boolean;
    enabled?: (params: CustomTraitEnabledParams) => boolean;
    iconClass?: string;
    openConfiguration?: (params: CustomTraitOpenConfigurationParams) => void;
    openConfigurationTooltip?: string;
    title: string;


alwaysShow?: boolean

Empty traits can be collapsed. Set to true to never hide this trait. Default: false.

enabled?: (params: CustomTraitEnabledParams) => boolean

An optional callback to determine if this trait should show for the target sheet. When this callback is excluded, it is considered enabled by default. When enabled returns false, the trait does not render to the sheet.

iconClass?: string

An optional class for an <i> element to render an icon. Currently cupports FontAwesome and RPG Awesome.

openConfiguration?: (params: CustomTraitOpenConfigurationParams) => void

Handler for when the configuration command is executed. This could be when a user clicks an edit/configuration button on the sheet.

openConfigurationTooltip?: string

The tooltip to show when hovering over the trait configuration button.

title: string

The primary title text to display for this trait.