API functionality related to the Actions List feature.



  • Remap how activation types are treated when the Action List organizes items into sections.


    • mappings: Record<string, string>

      an object with keys and values representing a mapping from source activation type to intended target activation type.

    Returns void

    Example: Treating Midi-QoL reaction sub-types like a reaction

    Hooks.once('tidy5e-sheet.ready', (api) => {
    reactionpreattack: 'reaction',
    reactiondamage: 'reaction',
    reactionmanual: 'reaction',


    In terms of UI, the key and value fields are the value attribute on the Activation Type dropdown, or the database value.

    Multiple calls to this API function merge the latest results in, resulting in last-come, last-server. If multiple modules remap the same activation type, the last caller's remapping will be the winner.